Saturday, December 1, 2012

Another Global Warning!

While people are pointing fingers and 'blaming', they are dividing and sabotaging the only solution we have for the inevitable erosion of prosperity for rank and file; unity among the multitudes who are paying the price for their self-centered short-sightedness!

So many people have enjoyed the fruits of others' labors for so long they have no clue what it took to provide the abundance they've enjoyed!  As government takes a little more at every turn they don't see the whole picture of what's happening (like the frog in the gradually boiled water) until it's too late.  Each time EVERYONE loses a LITTLE there are those who slip into the 'marginal' group from 'abundance'; those who slip into the 'poverty' and 'public support' group from 'marginal'; and those who slip from 'poverty' and 'public support' into the 'homeless' and 'desperate' groups.  Get a clue people!  If you cannot see the 'writing on the wall', perhaps you can see the writing on your paychecks:  LESS NET INCOME!  Add to that the HIGHER costs of fuel, utilities, groceries, education, medical care, etc. and what do you get?  LESS NET INCOME!  But it doesn't stop there.  Add the foreign labor which continues to drive down wages and benefits and you have LESS NET INCOME!

The 'tipping point' is inevitable and rapidly approaching!  The Congressional Budget Office may call it a "Fiscal Cliff".  The Mayans may call it 'the end of an epoch'.  The Christians may call it "Armageddon".  Regardless of what it is called, how it is rationalized, or how it is denied, it is imminent!  Corporate leaders may cut staff and production to preserve the profits lost to less consumption.  Governments may take out loans to meet the expenses of supporting ever increasing numbers in poverty.  The wealthy can invest in art, precious metals, etc., but their wealth is worthless if there are no CONSUMERS to produce their wealth and give it value in exchange.

When all the trappings of civilization we take for granted are lost or removed, we will once more be reduced to the common denominator and great equalizer:  Survival of the fittest.  Decision makers would do well to remember there WILL be a point when imprudent decisions may no longer be undone.  There WILL be a point when greed and lust for power will push civil civilization over the 'edge' and the outcome WILL be irreversible.

When and if it this disastrous 'tipping point' occurs there will be multitudes of rich and poor, who refused to acknowledge the simple truths of Providence which provided us with our 'natural' laws, crying out to the God they tried to replace with government, to "Save us!"  May God have mercy on their souls.