Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Social Networking: Benefactor or Bully?

Social Networking is a fantastic opportunity for people to meet and socialize in a fashion never dreamt of in the past.  It allows a revolutionary method for a leader to interact and communicate with the public.  It gives us all an opportunity to share our thoughts, opinions, feelings, hopes, dreams, activities, or any manner of intimate or public expression!  It extends our circle of influence and ability to exchange ideas in a fashion limited only by our imagination.  We have the opportunity to conduct a personal "chat" with personalities we may never have been able to reach through previous methods of communication. However, like every creation for the good and advancement of mankind it has the capacity for abuse.

I'm certain there are few of us who have not experienced the intrusiveness of 'spam', 'identity theft', or 'malicious software'.  Creative entrepreneurs have made fortunes protecting us from what, in some cases, may be their own creations. The mainstream media reports frequent occurrences of electronic "bullying" of youth, with tragic results, when hateful remarks lead innocent young people to avail themselves of permanent solutions to temporary problems.  There are people who take pleasure or amusement in circulating electronic deceptions, preying on our innocence and trust, while rejoicing in their deceptions.  There are and I suppose there always will be those who have a malevolent and malicious nature; don't care who they may injure; believe they are serving a greater good which transcends lesser harm; or simply don't understand the consequences their actions.

Hecklers, detractors, baiters, instigators, and provokers go with the territory in politics.  One of the drawbacks of making public decisions is that "you cannot please everyone”.  The electronic media, like hundreds of pounds of steel surrounding automobile drivers, grants the opportunity for isolation and anonymity permitting expression of our darker side embodied in stalkers, predators, and deviants.  They are not only allowed to flourish but to carry out their nefarious purposes with impunity by creating false personas to mislead, disparage and degrade.  Fortunately, Facebook has provided a means of blocking the attacks of these pernicious character types.  Unfortunately it only removes them from our sight and doesn't prevent them from carrying out their mud-slinging and smear campaigns 'behind our backs'.  I'm grateful that I can 'block' these predatory stalkers so I, at least, do not have to continuously witness their hatefulness and malicious provoking and goading – not to mention the fact that it denies them the gratification of their odious intent with the ability to ignore.

Happy Social Networking!  J

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